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Markyzola Agro Venture

Home of qualitatively produced crops for the nation.

We aim at increasing the flow of agricultural crops production and sales, stand as a major labour recruiting firm, thereby helping in reducing the nation's unemployment issue, all in alignment with dignity of quality and quantity. 

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Major Company's Product.

Zea Mays

Our Maize Farm

As part of the major focus of the company into production of major cash and food crops, the Markyzola Agro Venture Maize farm is set to always produce at least 150 to 160 tons of treshed corn annually.Our focus is not only on the profit to be made of it, but with wide prospects of making over 30 people earn annually.The maize farm will take the highest portion of our plantation. The market view for our products aren't just locally, though will be the main partaker. We look towards energizing the national economy by dealing with international exports also, as the company grows.

Manihot esculenta

Our Cassava Farm

Our cassava farm is also a product we've decided to venture into. Producing at least 120tons annually. Our input into the general stock market is with a very wide prospects, having a recognition in the economic growth and unemployment alleviation project.
We look forward to enlargement and increased production as the company grows stronger and bigger.

Curcuma Longa

Our Turmeric Farm

The turmeric farm is one of the company's venture to shoot up into the international market. Our focus on the turmeric plantation is to annually produce not less than 150tons to the market. We seek to make smooth deals striking with major spice companies locally too.

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Woman in Yellow

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Payton Hillman

Smiling Young Man

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Jessie Brown

Senior Man

This is your client’s testimonial quote. It’s a great opportunity to give visitors a firsthand perspective of your work by sharing actual reviews from clients you’ve worked with in the past.

Avery Smith

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141 Alulu Nike Rd
Enugu, 400103

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